Green isn't my thing

posted on: 3.17.2010

Happy St. Patrick's day! Hope you're having a wonderful day so far. The only green I'm wearing is in my earrings, which were a wonderful gift from a mexican boy. [*I actually married the mexican boy]

The day started of with a nice warm shower followed by a relaxing read of the book "The Divine Dance". I printed out some stuff at the library and I went to check my mail, when, I ran into the guy I did volunteering for last week. It started off with some encouraging words and praise for his tremendous job as a leader and it ended up with him giving me the copy of the book I've been wanting to get my hands on (after Forgotten God...which I already own)for quite some time (notice how I even have it in my wishlist box at the right..yeah that bad I wanted it!). I'm so grateful and cheerful to have been there as God asked me to. Knowing that God is in control and blessing me through this journey makes me unconcerned for the destination. The value of life is found in the process, not the final product.

On my way to my room, I saw my friend sitting outside the cafe, reading an Erwin McManus book with her cute little pink laptop on the table. She was a visual sip of a cup of tea! She looked beautiful in her light green shirt and floral scarf. Her almost emerald looking eyes were vibrant with excitement. We talked for a while. She has the power to calm the atmosphere in which she is in. She is my cup of tea.

Off to church!
a girl with a smile
Urban Outfitter's Rock soap! Bringing natural to a whole new dimension.

1 Smiles:

  1. thank you for your eloquent and beautiful description. your words are like honey; sweet and soothing to the soul.


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