Back from camp.

posted on: 6.26.2010

I've certainly learned my lesson. Got assigned me a task/assignment that took serving to a whole new level for me. Frustrations rose and my spirit was tested but I came through. God's grace was enough.
I met Ed Newton, our campus speaker for the week, along with the band Revive. These people poured into my life and without them knowing, encouraged me to press on with God's calling in my life. Ministry, it's hard. It's frustrating. It's never knowing but always trusting the One who knows all things. It's obeying (even when you don't feel like it). It's breaking down on your knees. It's loving and serving when no one seems to give you credit, appreciate you or respect you as the person of faith that you are.

Despite all efforts that seems useless, God did work. He is working even when I don't see it, feel it or realize it. A life was changed during camp and for that I am grateful I was a part of that inner revolution.
I also got to know the hearts, souls and dreams of many, including a dear friend of mine. We are much more comfortable now with each other, and that definitely helps the friendship. [*this friend I was referring to is actually my husband now*]

It was an experience: A test of true love, character & servitude. I came changed and I will allow God to keep working in me. It's a blessing to have His grace be sufficient. He is more than enough & all I need.

"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him"  -1 Cor. 2:9

a girl with a smile

3 Smiles:

  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. oh i remember these camps. they taught me a lot then and now.

  3. That really sounds amazing! It can be so hard sometimes but when we are obedient to God's word or call we see things we may not have expected! x


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