quiet stillness

posted on: 11.29.2010

There comes a time in a person's life where, you must learn to submit yourself (entirely, might I add) to the Lord's will. This does not mean that your passions will cease to be. Oh no, quite the contrary. It actually feels as if they are intensified. Whether these passions consist of dreams, promises (yes, even godly ones) or desires, you ultimately do the same in all: you wait. As the psalmist said, "For God alone my soul waits in silence..." (Psalm 62:1). This waiting, this period of stillness before Him, is nothing more than a test of faith and perseverance in disguise. It is spiritual growth, maturity. However, stillness doesn't mean not doing anything. It means to take up the Father's business and do what He has commanded you to do; nothing more, nothing less. This waiting is measured in obedience. And obedience, ultimately, is dying to self.
"...and I realized that the deepest spiritual lessons are not learned by His letting us have our way in the end, but by His making us wait, bearing with us in love and patience until we are able honestly to pray what He taught His disciples to pray: Thy will be done. Acceptance of whatever that means is the great victory of faith that overcomes the world."
To be stripped of yourself and submit, to obey and follow, and do it all with a smile has become my latest task. I am entering spiritual adulthood. Never has a challenge from the Lord been so hard to give in to. But I will overcome and conquer. My life's purpose is to glorify His name, not my own. I love him with a love that leads me to death (even if it means my own). Such is the way of Calvary love.
"Love has entered the picture. Therefore in your heart, you can be very honest when you tell him you really prefer to do what he wants, because, more than your own pleasure, you want His. When obedience to God contradicts what I think will give me pleasure, let me ask myself if I love Him. A little quiet reflection will remind me that yes to God always leads in the end to joy."
This will be my first Christmas without my lovely parents, without my close friends. My comfort is Abba & my peace if my Prince. I shall have to count what I lost, gain. There is victory in losing, my friends! When Jesus hanged at the cross in public shame, it all looked liked the perfect picture of defeat. But He was risen, 3 days later, taking the keys of death from the hands of hell so that we could spend eternal glory with our Creator, the Lover of our souls. In the end, it was victory.
"Few things have the power to make us feel as sorry for ourselves as has loneliness. We feel marooned, cheated. Everyone else in the world seems to have somewhere to go, someone to be with, something to enjoy. We alone have been excluded."
To this I am called: obedience. At the present time, obedience is leading me to quiet stillness. The Cross is the attraction to this humble death and submission. Quiet obedience is vital to any of those who call themselves His followers. It is His glory we yearn for.

[quotes from Elisabeth Elliot (Passion & Purity).]

6 Smiles:

  1. I heard it once said that those who follow Him even unto the cross shall not stay up there forever. The self must die eventually, so that the new man can be risen with Christ. There is hope, yet. Hope to faith. Faith to action. Action to results.

    This was a beautiful post.
    [Joshua 1:9] - remind me to read you the definition of courage when we talk tomorrow.

  2. Oh my gosh. I've been learning this for SOO long, and I feel it's never quite learned. Also, I'm reading a book entitled "ME. The Me I Want to Be" which may interest you...
    I always love your posts and you passion for God. Let's fall more in love with Him, shall we?

  3. God is the restorer and the comforter and when we learn to submit ENTIRELY to God, he fills us up (=. I love this!!

  4. I love that picture of Brooke Fraser. Her voice is incredible and such a blessing she has given others!

  5. I recently came accross your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I dont know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog.


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