Spreading the gospel is a task worth every God-given resource we have, and artists and their creative gifts are no exception. Whether you are an artist whose talents are an untapped source of energy for your church or a ministry leader wanting to involve artists and the creative arts in your outreach efforts, Outreach and the Artist will renew your vision. Musician and biblical scholar Con Campbell offers encouragement, wisdom, and practical tips for evangelism with, through, and to the arts...

This book is definitely one to have if you desire to use a creative approach in ministry. Not all modern churches know how to approach artists or the artistic community; this is where Con Campbell comes in. He offers ideas and strategies that work if both the church and the artist are willing to give it their all.
At first, I thought that the book would be all about jazz since that is Campbell's artistic field. But it's not about the specific artistic field, rather the approach to share the gospel through the artistic field. He also explains why some Christian artists prefer to stay in the secular artistic community, rather than to be more up front with the Gospel in their work (they do share about Christ when approached by non-believers). I also absolutely enjoyed the artist profiles that showcase artists with different talents and their struggles as a Christian in the arts and as artist in the church. It opened my eyes to see how misunderstood the artistic lifestyle is in the church.
I was challenged and inspired by this read to be artistic minded and intentional with the Gospel. Every church leader should desire to reach the artistic community and the unbelieving artist. This book is definitely first of its kind but certainly not the last!
I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com
sounds like a lovely book. x
ReplyDelete- Jianine
I was challenged and inspired by this read to be artistic minded as well as intentional with the Gospel. Every church leader should inspire to reach the artistic community and the unbelieving artist. This book is definitely first of its kind but certainly not the last!
ReplyDeleteThat sounds like just the book I've been needing! Thanks for sharing.