learning to trust

posted on: 4.11.2013

"Learning to pray is learning to trust the wisdom, the power, and the love of our Heavenly Father, always so far beyond our dreams. He knows our need and knows ways to meet it that have never entered our heads. Things we feel sure we need for happiness may often lead to our ruin. Things we think will ruin (the chariots of Egypt, the waters of the sea, or the little waves in Belmar!), if we believe what the Father tells us and surrender ourselves into His strong arms, brings us deliverance and joy."
—Elisabeth Elliot

I am a child that seems to always learn and re-learn life lessons.
To trust God with my desires is to let Him burn & refine them;
painful & frustrating;
like a bird that can't fly (dodo's conundrum).

This is where I've found myself.
Learning to pray & learning to trust.

4 Smiles:

  1. amen.
    also, for the record, your hubby is so cool.

  2. Erm...wow! I am so glad I stumbled across your blog. It is so lovely and inspiring! The Elisabeth Elliot quote is just what I needed to hear this morning :)
    Will definitely be rummaging through your archives lol

    Mo x


  3. trust is always a hard thing for me. I have to constantly re-learn this. Mainly because everyone that has been in my life has left. This left me with this saying constantly in my mind: "people always leave." God had to deal with me and he simply told me that I had a bitter outlook on life because of people that have failed me. He reminded me that people always fail, and that's why we can't count on them--we count on God.
    Not trusting has left me a lonely walk i.e. no friends, but learning to depend on God, and know that he is my friend. my true friend. I still don't have a close friend I can come to with anything, but he has promised that one day he will bring me that friend and I anxiously await that day. Still knowing that that one person may fail me, but that's where forgiveness comes into play. But God? He never will.

    he is incredible.
    and by the way, congrats on one month of marriage ;)

  4. You always share some of the most encouraging quotes! Thanks for sharing them =)


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