India, as we experienced it.

posted on: 6.24.2013

It's officially been 1 month since we came back from India. There's so much I treasure from Kolkata: the streets, the colors, the people. We worked mostly with kids from two communities; working class and middle class kids. We also had the opportunity to serve at a blind school, which happened to be a very vulnerable and emotional experience for all of us (you can see part of it in the video). The work that God has been doing in India for many years is still growing strong and I'm grateful to have been able to witness it.

To all of you who had a part in making this happen, THANK YOU! 
I truly hope you enjoy this short visual story of our trip.

7 Smiles:

  1. Simply beautiful!! What an incredible & moving experience :) So excited you had such an incredible opportunity!

  2. DId you make this? It's beautiful!

  3. What an incredible experience that must have been!! :)
    AMAZING video!! <3


  4. So awesome to finally see bits of your trip! =)


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