Delightful Whispers at my Door

posted on: 3.15.2010

Before going to class, my roommate came in through the door (back from her classes) and gave me the lovely surprise that was posted in my door. It consisted of Chai Tea attached to an encouraging a lovely note. Because the best conversation happen over tea! That continues to be my motto, and I suspect that my friends are adopting this too.

I must say, I feel a wee bit cheerful after receiving this. Through this process of life (called 'college') I've learned a lot from myself and the role I play in the life of others. I never really noticed how encouraging and supportive I could be without it being pointed out by my close friends. I guess that I love them so much that I feel the need to invest myself in their lives the only way I know how: with loving words. It's nice to know one is appreciated in the little things. I can't wait to learn and develop qualities that will help me shape them by being the example. They certainly play a crucial role in my life. For now, I'll simply keep enjoying tea with them.

Needless to say, It's good to be back.
For easter break I want to buy a disposable film camera at CVS and just have fun with it! Hopefully there will be something exciting to look forward to.

1 Smiles:

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