He led them forth

posted on: 6.13.2012

© lemonblood

"He led them forth by the right way."-Psalm 107:7

"The eclipse of your faith, the darkness of your mind, the fainting of your hope, all these things are but parts of God's method of making you ripe for the great inheritance upon which you shall soon enter. " 
—Charles Spurgeon

"O let my trembling soul be still,
And wait thy wise, thy holy will!
I cannot, Lord, thy purpose see,
Yet all is well since ruled by thee."
—Anonymous (a hymn?)

15 Smiles:

  1. I just love these sayings, how inspirational. Thank you for sharing this with us xx

  2. what an awesome quote by spurgeon! and love that verse as well :) have a blessed week, girl!

  3. absolutely beautiful and refreshing, thank you!!!

  4. Love that Spurgeon quote! Thanks for sharing it =)

  5. That's very encouraging :) I feel the at Jer. 29:11 is so cliche and over used, but I cling to the "he knows the plans." HE knows them, therefore, why should I worry? (hah--easier said than done)

  6. That Spurgeon quote was pretty fabulous!

  7. I needed this more than you know! Thank you for sharing and allowing God to use you!!!

  8. Beautiful. The Charles Spurgeon quote hit home! Thanks for sharing :)

  9. Love that quote! Your blog is honestly beautiful! I love the tones and colors that you used, so pretty.


  10. I'm a new follower of your blog and I'm so encouraged by your boldness. I believe God is glorified by your writings! Also, I love Charles Spurgeon - he's legit!


  11. Wow, those last few lines really touched my soul this morning. Glorious!

  12. Thank you for those quotes! Beautiful.


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