
posted on: 7.03.2012

© God's fingertips

One Christian in India, while being skinned alive, looked at his persecutors and said, "I thank you for this. Tear off my old garment, for I will soon put on Christ's garment of righteousness."

Here's a fact about myself: when I'm feeling sad/disappointed with where I am, I turn to martyr stories.
These stories of the persecuted will always point me to Christ and the joy of salvation. 

I may get discouraged at times when it doesn't seem like I'm doing something worthwhile for God or I can't really sense His leading, but then I read about people like the one in the story above and I take heart. This man was being tortured and he thanked his persecutors. This is revolutionary!

I can't help but be inspired to thank my present circumstances as I hold on to Christ. He is enough.
May I lose sight of myself with each passing day.

10 Smiles:

  1. wow. that is an amazing testimony. so convicting. we can be so petty in our current circumstances that we forget the greater scheme of things; we serve a God greater than our circumstances, and we are but strangers here. =)

  2. Wow. This is beautiful. I am so thankful for your walk with the Lord and the encouragement it brings me.

  3. Call me a hormonal pregnant lady, but reading martyr stories really puts me a depressive mood :\

    1. I promise I wasn't trying to be morbid. It might be the hormones ;)
      After all, these individuals are rejoicing in heaven as we speak.

  4. Oh amen. amen. amen.
    Those stories are so.... awesome.
    I was telling my pastor that if I go down, I want to go down loving Jesus. In other words, we received life with Him and therefore we ought to die with Him.

  5. This post is absolutely beautiful and exactly what I needed to hear.

    - Katelyn

  6. WOW O_O

    Hosanna in the Highest!!!

    For His Glory and Love,
    ♥ Linda M

  7. WOW O_O

    Hosanna in the Highest!!!

    For His Glory and Love,
    ♥ Linda M


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